Privacy Statement.

The importance of your privacy.

We respect your privacy and understand the importance of confidentiality. We process your data in accordance with legislation including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the relevant provisions of the Medical Treatment Contracts Act (WGBO) and the Public Health Act (WPG).

Purpose of Privacy Statement.

This privacy statement is intended to inform you about how we handle your personal data. Below we indicate how we do this.

Who are we?

We are Antion BV, located at 1076 DS Amsterdam, Afroditekade 107. We are registered with the Chamber of Commerce with the number 77541596. We can be reached by telephone: +31 (0) 653614678 and / or email: Our website is

What personal data do we process?

We process general and special personal data that we receive in the context of our business operations. The general personal data mainly but not exclusively currently and/or in the future concern: your first and last name, address, city, telephone number, e-mail address, payment details, position, IP address, social ID, cookie ID, contact history and surfing behaviour. The special personal data concerns medical data (such as examination results and medical appointments) and possibly identification data, financial data and insurance data.

Image materials.

We may be able to place photos and/or video material on our website that suits our business operations. This privacy statement also applies to these images.

Collection Moments.

We collect personal data from you mainly at the following times:

In direct encounters with you and when providing services to you;

By providing us with information in any way and/or form;

In case of referrals from the GP or information via a relevant healthcare provider;

Via invitations by third parties with whom we work together now and in the future;

In case of a direct or forwarded visit to or messages from our website.

Collection targets.

We collect your relevant personal data exclusively for the benefit of our services, due to the legal rules that regulate the correctness of documentation and of the financial and administrative requirements, when making contacts and when informing you about our (possibly new) activities.

Peer review.

It is possible that a medical specialist outside our organization must be contacted for a consultation about your medical situation. Your medical situation can also be discussed in consultation with various specialisms, an “MDO”. Your data will only be shared if this is necessary for our services.

Quality control.

We are sometimes obliged to record data for accountability to, for example, the “Inspectie Gezondheidszorg en Jeugd” (IGJ). Furthermore, your data will be used to improve our own care (processes) or to send questionnaires for quality research. The basic principle is that your data will be processed anonymously.

Legal obligations.

We are sometimes required to collect data that is necessary to perform legal obligations and care-related tasks. This could include keeping the medical file, registering identification numbers, reporting certain infectious diseases and passing on information to the health insurer.

Disclosures to third parties.

Our services make it necessary to share some of your data with organizations or persons who perform work for us or with which we work together, such as for the maintenance and management of our information provision as well as our IT systems and/or consultants engaged.

Which third parties do we work with:

  • Eyetech BV: ophthalmic services;

  • Zorgdomein BV: a digital platform for exchanging data;

  • GPs: diagnoses and referrals;

  • Insurers: compensation;

  • Opticians: eye measurements and optometric examination.

  • Formspree Inc.: contact form

  • Plausible Insights OÜ: website analytics

  • Vercel Inc: application hosting & website hosting

  • Google Cloud EMEA Limited: backend hosting and data storage

Further sharing of data.

We will not share your personal data with other/third parties other than our business model requires. Of course, we do provide information to authorities if there is a legal obligation to do so. Your data can then (also) be transferred to an authority outside the European Union.

Request information and possible newsletters.

Our website gives you the option to request information and in the future perhaps the option to subscribe to our newsletters and on the other. Only if and after you explicitly give permission for this (via an opt-in) will we send you the relevant information regarding these activities.


If you no longer wish to use our possible digital information sources, you can send us an email and we will take care of your deregistration.

Social media and links.

In the future, we will probably use various social media and our website may contain links to (those) social media. Our privacy statement does not apply to the collection of data by social media itself. Furthermore, this statement does not apply to the links on our website.

Retention periods.

We will not process your data for longer than there is a legal basis for this. We keep data for the benefit of our services for as long as necessary. Financial data must be legally retained for seven years. For medical data, the retention period is 20 years from the last treatment.


We have taken appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data. This protects your personal data against unauthorized or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage to the data.

Processing registers.

We keep records as required by law regarding the processing of your data as well as a log of the activities that take place via our website. We also use the aforementioned log files to maintain the website properly and to prevent or sanction any misuse.

Data protection officer.

We do not have a Data Protection Officer in our organization. Of course, we are always available for your questions about data or privacy.

Your rights.

Under privacy legislation, you have a number of explicit rights that we would like to point out to you in this privacy statement. You are entitled to:

Access, copy and portability: overview of your information that we process;

Rectification: we adjust incorrect personal data;

Restriction and objection: we process your restrictions and objections;

Transferability: you can request us to transfer your data;

Withdrawal of consent and oblivion; we will delete your data on request.

Questions and requests.

We will answer your questions and requests free of charge within one month thereafter. If the answer or implementation takes more time, you will be informed within one month. If we cannot comply with your request, we will inform you within one month of the legal reason for this, of course, free of charge.

Keep data up to date.

We encourage you to keep your personal data with us up to date. If you move or if there is any relevant change to your data, please let us know so that we can organize our files so that we can reach you optimally and be of service to you.

Legislation and supervision.

This privacy statement is an update of existing privacy rules and is therefore based on the General Data Protection Regulation, (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016. This European Regulation will be enforced from 25 May 2018. Supervision is in the hands of the Dutch Data Protection Authority, which also has the right to complain.

Intellectual Property Privacy Statement.

Our / this privacy statement may not be (in whole or in part) reproduced, copied, reproduced, copied, used or distributed for any reason, in any way or in any form. This applies to this statement as well as on our website or this statement in any hard copy.


Our privacy statement can be changed, for example, if the legislation changes or if we expand our services. Adjustments are always announced via the website and, where appropriate, we will also notify you via email and/or newsletter. We advise you to regularly review our privacy policy.

And last but not least.

We believe that this privacy statement is clear and legible. If you have any questions or comments regarding your privacy, you can always contact us.

Amsterdam, June, 2022